Harp Seal

Harp Seal

2011년 11월 26일 토요일

Prospects for the Arctic Ecosystem

The biggest problem in the Arctic is melting glaciers due to global warming. The amount of sea-ice changes dramatically throughout the year. Due to extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, arctic surface air temperatures may rise 7 degree Celsius by the year 2100. As losing their habitats, many animals in the Arctic are going to be extinct; actually, many of the Arctic land and marine faunas are endangered. Also, as the temperature of the Arctic rises and glaciers melt, sea-level throughout the whole world rises. Some islands in the Southeast Asia are going to be sunk in the future due to rise of sea levels. 

reference: http://psc.apl.washington.edu/BEST/PSW2007/PSW07_modelpredictions.html

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